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Shelly Goldsmith

Investigations in Cloth
Monday 30th September at 6.00pm

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 822 5538 9989

Passcode: 939182 

Shelly Goldsmith is an award-winning artist who has exhibited at major galleries and museums in the UK and internationally, most recently in Connective Material at Museum Dr Guislain, Ghent, Belgium, and Fiberart International Museum of Art, Fort Collins, USA. She is the recipient of the prestigious Jerwood Prize and in 2020 was awarded the Vlieseline Fine Art Textile Award an international prize which recognises concept driven and gallery context textiles. In July 2024 she was shortlisted for the Australian Kate Derum Award for tapestry. Goldsmith has exhibited at major galleries and museums in Britain, Europe, USA and Japan, her work is in many notable public collections including the Victoria & Albert Museum and The Whitworth. 

Goldsmith works across a range of textile practices to investigate the power of cloth as a rich landscape for expression, a place to explore and communicate ideas, unfold narratives. Through rigorously crafted tapestry weaving, hand stitch and experimental textile printing she unpicks established psychological theory to better understand human interactions, how we live our lives and what shapes us.  Taking an autoethnographic approach her position is both personal and parsing, textiles become witness and memoranda, whilst also offering opportunities for introspection and learning.   Utilising technological and historical techniques simultaneously, her work is conceived and produced with sustainability at its heart, using recycled and repurposed materials.  

Creative practice is underpinned by collaborations with Psychiatry and Forensic Science professionals and supported by awards from Arts Council England and Wellcome Trust, for example. Goldsmith’s work is written about and cited extensively in books and journals.  

Shelly Goldsmith is Emerita Reader in Textiles at the University for the Creative Arts.

Image: View of Dresses For Giants Exhibition at ACS Margate Sept 2022
Foreground, Analogue and digital dye sublimation prints onto recycled polyester using a reclaimed wedding dress to print with.

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Mae Shelly Goldsmith yn artist sydd wedi ennill gwobrau sydd ac wedi arddangos mewn prif orielau ac amgueddfeydd yn y DU ac yn rhyngwladol, yn fwyaf diweddar yn Connective Material yn Amgueddfa Dr Guislain, Ghent, Gwlad Belg, ac Amgueddfa Gelf Ryngwladol Fiberart, Fort Collins, UDA. Derbynnydd Gwobr fawreddog Jerwood ac yn 2020 dyfarnwyd iddi Wobr Tecstilau Celfyddyd Gain Vlieseline wobr ryngwladol sy’n cydnabod tecstilau a yrrir gan gysyniad a thecstilau cyd-destun oriel. Ym mis Gorffennaf 2024 roedd ar restr fer Gwobr Kate Derum Awstralia am dapestri. Mae Goldsmith wedi arddangos ei waith ym mhrif orielau ac amgueddfeydd Mhrydain, Ewrop, UDA a Japan, ac mae ei gwaith mewn nifer o gasgliadau cyhoeddus nodedig gan gynnwys Amgueddfa Victoria & Albert a The Whitworth.