Pete Davis – Observations – Collections – Recollections
1.45pm Saturday 20 April 2024
Lecture Theatre, Glynn Vivian Gallery
The photography of Pete Davis can be seen in many important national and international art collections. These include the Arts Council of Wales, Museo Genna Maria, Sardinia, and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Pete Has been taking photographs since the age of eleven. After ten years as an advertising and fashion photographer, Pete moved to west Wales from where he has embarked on numerous photographic field trips around the British Isles, Europe and the USA. He has twice represented Wales at the Festival Interceltique in Brittany, France and is a past winner of the Wakelin Award. For eighteen years Pete was senior lecturer in Documentary Photography at the University of Wales, Newport and for nine years the course leader. Awarded a Ph.D in Fine Art at Aberysytwyth university in 2009 he continues to teach currently a Ph.D supervisor at Aberystwyth University and is working on a number of ongoing major projects, books and exhibitions.
The talk will trace his documentary work from early projects to how his photography has developed and widened over the years. He will show examples of many of his major exhibitions and publications including current work in progress.
Pete Davis – Arsylwadau – Casgliadau – Atgofion
1.45pm 20 Ebrill 2024
Lecture Theatre, Glynn Vivian Gallery
Gellir gweld ffotograffiaeth Pete Davis mewn llawer o gasgliadau celf genedlaethol a rhyngwladol pwysig. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Museo Genna Maria, Sardinia, ac Amgueddfa Victoria ac Albert, Llundain. Mae Pete wedi bod yn tynnu lluniau ers yn un ar ddeg oed. Ar ôl deng mlynedd fel ffotograffydd hysbysebu a ffasiwn, symudodd Pete i orllewin Cymru lle mae wedi cychwyn ar nifer o deithiau maes ffotograffig o amgylch Ynysoedd Prydain, Ewrop ac UDA. Mae wedi cynrychioli Cymru ddwywaith yn Festival Interceltique yn Llydaw, Ffrainc ac mae’n gyn-enillydd Gwobr Wakelin. Am ddeunaw mlynedd bu Pete yn uwch ddarlithydd mewn Ffotograffiaeth Ddogfennol ym Mhrifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd ac am naw mlynedd yn arweinydd y cwrs. Enillodd radd PhD mewn Celfyddyd Gain ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth yn 2009 ac mae’n parhau i ddysgu – ar hyn o bryd yn oruchwyliwr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth ac yn gweithio ar nifer o brosiectau, llyfrau ac arddangosfeydd mawr parhaus.
Bydd y sgwrs yn olrhain ei waith dogfennol o brosiectau cynnar i sut mae ei ffotograffiaeth wedi datblygu ac ehangu dros y blynyddoedd. Bydd yn dangos enghreifftiau o nifer o’i brif arddangosfeydd a chyhoeddiadau gan gynnwys gwaith cyfredol sydd ar y gweill.
Image: ‘Splott, Cardiff, 1969’. Courtesy of Pete Davis.