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Stewart Geddes

Material, Process and Idea
Monday 21st October at 6.00pm

Stewart Geddes is a painterly, colourist, abstract artist. He studied at Bristol Polytechnic (UWE), City University London and the Royal College of Art. Whilst at Bristol he was introduced to the post-war St Ives abstract school by artists Paul Feiler and Michael Canney, both of whom had close links with West Penwith and taught in the Fine Art department. During this time Geddes visited Patrick Heron at his house ‘Eagles’ Nest’, and saw the collection of Peter Lanyon paintings and drawings in the house of Lanyon’s widow Sheila in Newlyn. Both became deeply affecting experiences.


He will talk about the importance of improvisation in his current painting, and the relation between material, process and idea.

Deunydd, Proses a Syniad: Byrfyfyriadau gan Stewart Geddes

Dydd Llun 21 Hydref 6yh

Mae Stewart Geddes yn peintiwr, lliwiwr ac yn arlunydd haniaethol. Astudiodd yng Ngholeg Polytechnig Bryste (UWE), Prifysgol Dinas Llundain a’r Coleg Celf Brenhinol. Tra ym Mryste cafodd ei gyflwyno i ysgol haniaethol ôl- rhyfel St Ives gan yr artistiaid Paul Feiler a Michael Canney, y ddau â chysylltiadau agos â West Penwith ac yn dysgu yn yr adran Celf Gain. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn ymwelodd Geddes â Patrick Heron yn ei dŷ ‘Eagles’ Nest’, a gwelodd casgliad o baentiadau a darluniau gan Peter Lanyon yn nhŷ gweddw Lanyon, Sheila, yn Newlyn. Daeth y ddau brofiad i effeithio’n ddwfn..

Bydd yn siarad am bwysigrwydd gwaith byrfyfyr yn ei baentiad presennol, a’r berthynas rhwng deunydd, proses a syniad.